
Sikhs Around The World

We The Sikhs

Our Gurus, Our History, Our Gurudwaras
Around The World

Inspiring, heartening, and stirring, We The Sikhs gives you an accurate history of the Sikh community from the times of its founder Sri Guru Nanak Sahib Ji in the 15 th century. Every major incident has been chronicled so that the future generation stays well-updated.

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People Behind We The Sikhs

Kapil Dev

Kapil Dev, legendary Indian cricketer, a.k.a. as ‘Paaji,’ is known for his charisma. We The Sikhs is his tribute to Sikhism. Being deeply moved by the experience of visiting a gurdwara in Pakistan, he resolved to bring all the world’s gurdwaras together in one invaluable publication. The result? This coffee-table book.

Ajay Sethi

Ajay Sethi, a visionary entrepreneur and a passionate patron of the arts, antiques, and sports, has businesses spanning continents. As Chairman of Channel 2 Group, headquartered in Dubai, Ajay has a strong and passionate interest in media, sports, and entertainment. That said, his commitment extends to both Bollywood and cricket.

Sikh Legacy